Minami no Kaze No.43 has been issued
The latest Minami no Kaze (No.43) has been issued. The main articles are "Visited Minami-ward Health
Checkup day for Infants" and "Minna no "Wa!" Festa of 2021".
There are other articles, too. The paper is issued in easy Japanese, English and Chinese.
You can see the paper from the link below.
Minami no Kaze No.42 has been issued
The latest Minami no Kaze (No.42) has been issued.
The main articles are "Prepare for Typhoon" and "No.119 can be called in multi languages!" .
There are other articles,too. The paper is issued in easy Japanese, English and Chinese.
You can see the paper from the link below.
Minami Lounge original logo has been decided.
Minami Citizens Activity & Multicultural Lounge original logo has been decided.
129 people had participated the logo voting event held between March 20th to May 20th.
The Logo above has been decided by the voting results.
Many people had participated the logo voting event.
Thank you for your participation.
The way of using the lounge will change due to “STATE OF EMERGENCY”
To prevent Novel Coronavirus, we will change the following until Feb. 7th (Sun.).
The period might be extended due to the circumstances.
- ●The capacity of the room is reduced to half.
・Kenshushitsu1 17 people
・Kenshushitsu2 6 people
・Kenshushitsu3 8 people
・Tamokutekishitsu 12 people
- ●Please refrain from drinking and eating in the lounge.
- ●Meeting corner can be used until 20:00 on Mon to Sat. (Sun. until 17:00)
※The operating hour of the lounge including consultation is as usual. Our operating hour is 9:00 to 17:00.
Concerning the usage of Meeting corner and rooms of Minami Lounge
●Meeting corner is open again.
Please follow the following rules to prevent 3Cs (Closed spaces/Crowded places/Close-contact settings)
when using the meeting corner.
・Only 2 persons can occupy 1 table. (Partition is set on the table to prevent droplet infection.)
・Please notify the lounge office before using the meeting corner.
・Do not occupy the table for long hours.
●The room’s capacity will change from “about half of the original capacity” to “use the room
by maintaining physical distance of 1m”.
We will hold a gathering for foreigners who are child rearing.
We will hold a gathering on Sep. 30th for foreigners who are
child rearing.
From June 1st (Mon) Minami Lounge will Re-open
To prevent Novel Coronavirus infection, please note the following when you enter the lounge.
※ For your hands and fingers; please use the antiseptic solution which is prepared in the lounge.
※ Please put a mask on and think about others when you cough.
※ The usage number of the room is reduced to half, and the meeting corner will be closed for the moment.