
Notice - みなみ市民活動・多文化共生ラウンジ

    1. Japanese045-232-9544
    2. Foreign Language045-242-0888


Minami no Kaze No.54 has been issued

Category: お知らせ Published: Friday, 05 July 2024

The latest Minami no Kaze (No.54) has been issued.

The main articles are

"Hello! We are Minami Citizens Activity・Multicultural Lounge (Minami Lounge)", 

"Volunteering Program for Foreign related Young Students" and

"Information of 17th Urafune Noryosai (Festival of the building)".

There are other articles, too.

The paper is issued in easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Tagalog

and Thai.

Please check our lateset Minami no Kaze!


Gathering for Foreign Mothers and Fathers

Category: お知らせ Published: Wednesday, 24 April 2024

We will talk about dangerous places for children in the

house and what to be aware. How to seek medical care

at the hospital when the child is suddenly ill will also be 

discussed. There will be a special activity (such as

storytelling) for children who are participating

the event. Interpreter will be there (Free of Charge).


Date: May 29th (Wed.) 10:30-11:45

Place: Minami Citizens Activity & Multicultural Lounge

           "Kenshu room"

            (10th floor of Urafune Fukugo Fukushi Shisetsu)

For: 8 Foreigners who are child-rearing in Japan

Fee: Free of charge (0yen)

 ※You can participate with your children.


How to apply: Call (045-232-9544) ofr fax (045-242-0897)

                        to Minami Citizens Activity & Multicultural Lounge.

                        You can also apply by visiting us.


※You can also apply from Google Forms



Minami no Kaze No.53 has been issued

Category: お知らせ Published: Wednesday, 20 March 2024

The latest Minami no Kaze (No.53) has been issued.

The main articles are "Minami Sakura Festival",

"Walk along Ooka River Promenade to see Cherry Blossoms!"

and "Information on the Emergency Benefit Payment+

Children benefit".  There are other articles, too.

The paper is issued in easy Japanese, English,

Chinese, Tagalog and Thai.


Minami no Kaze No.52 has been issued

Category: お知らせ Published: Wednesday, 13 December 2023

The latest Minami no Kaze(No.52) has been issued.

The main articles are "Japanese New Year Customs", "New Year Rituals of

Other Countries" and "Minna no "Wa!" Festa 2023 was Held!".

There are other articles, too. The paper is issued in easy Japanese, 

English, Chinese, Tagalog and Thai.

You can see the paper from the link below.



【November 19th】2023 Minna no "Wa!" Festa will be held

Category: お知らせ Published: Friday, 20 October 2023

Wa Festa 2023 topic Eng


2023 Minna no "Wa!" Festa

-Enjoy you day at Minami Lounge Festival-


Minami Lounge's big festival Minna no "Wa!" Festa will be held after 4 years.

No Admission fee required and no need to reserve.

Many enjoyable programs for you to enjoy!  Come and join our festival day!


Date & Time: Sunday, November 19th, 2023  11:00-15:30

(15:00-15:30 Special Program "Ukrainian Show")

Place: Minami Citizens Activity & Multicultural Lounge and Urafune Community House

(Address: Urafune Fukugo Fukushi Shisetsu 10F, 3-46 Urafune-cho Minami-ku, Yokohama City)


Main Programs:

(1) Activity Information

(2) Experiencing Program

(3) Stage Performance

(4) Japanese Speech

(5) Tea of the World

(6) Foods of the World

(7) Special Program "Ukrainian Show"


Contact: TEL 045-232-9544 FAX 045-242-0897


For more information, please check our Minna no "Wa!" Festa flyer.

Minami no Kaze No.51 has been issued

Category: お知らせ Published: Friday, 22 September 2023

The latest Minami no Kaze(No.51) has been issued.

The main articles are "Seminar For Multicultural Related

Volunteers","We are seeking for Multicultural Volunteers!" and

"Minna no "Wa!"Festa" will be Held!". There are other articles, too.

The paper is issued in easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Tagalog and Thai.

You can see the paper from the link below.



Minami no Kaze No.50 has been issued

Category: お知らせ Published: Wednesday, 21 June 2023

The latest Minami no Kaze (No.50) has been issued.

The main articles are "Multicultural Volunteer Wokshop will be Held",

"Urafune Noryousai" and "When Riding a Bicycle wearing a Helmet

is Strongly Encouraged".  There are other articles, too.

The Paper is issued in easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Tagalog and Thai.

You can see the paper from the link below.



Minami Lounge's Response to COVID-19: Downgrade to Class 5 Infectious Disease

Category: お知らせ Published: Friday, 19 May 2023

COVID-19 is set to be classified as a Class 5 Infectious Disease starting May 8, 2023 under the Infectious Diseases Control Law, Japan.  Minami Lounge’s infection control measures have been revised below.


(1) Upon Entry 

  •  ●Mask use depends on personal choice.
  •  ●We have non-contact thermometer and hand sanitizers in front of the reception counter; however, whether that is needed or not depends on personal choice.


(2) When using the rooms (Kenshu-shitsu) and the meeting area

  •  ●We give you a set of disinfectant; however, whether that is needed or not depends on personal choice.
  •  ●Eating and drinking in the rooms are allowed without masks.
  •  ●Please avoid eating in the meeting area.  Hydration only.


NOTE: please clean up and put in order after using the rooms and/or the meeting area.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Minami no Kaze No.49 has been issued

Category: お知らせ Published: Wednesday, 22 March 2023

The latest Minami no Kaze (No.49) has been issued.

The main articles are "Must-see Sights near Minami Lounge"

and "Minami-ward 80years Event Minami Sakura Matsuri".

There are other articles,too.

The paper is issued in easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Tagalog and Thai.

You can see the paper from the link below.



For Foreign Mothers and Fathers ~About Kindergarten & Nursery ~

Category: お知らせ Published: Wednesday, 28 December 2022

The gathering will focus on kindergarten and nursery life; what to prepare, events and about meals.

The explanation will be in English, Chinese and easy Japanese.
There will be reading Japanese book and singing Japanese song time for children.
Date:Jan.18th , 2023 (Wednesday) 10:30 ~ 11:45
Place: Minami Citizens Activity & Multicultural Lounge“Kenshu shitsu” (10th floor of Urafune Fukugo Fukushi Shisetsu)
For: 8 Foreigners who are child-rearing in Japan
Fee: Free of charge (0yen)
How to apply: Call (045-232-9544) or fax (045-242-0897)
to Minami Citizens Activity & Multicultural Lounge.
You can also apply by visiting us.   *You can participate with your children.

Click here for more information


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